Do You Need A Sleep Appliance?

Sleep apnea develops when a patient stops breathing for brief periods after soft tissue in the throat and mouth relax and block airflow. Patients are left feeling exhausted and deprived of sleep as the brain must wake them up again and again to breathe. Fortunately, we can help treat sleep apnea with a special oral appliance. Do you need a sleep appliance?

Frequently Asked Questions About Sleep Appliances

Question: How do you diagnose sleep apnea?

Answer: To help diagnose sleep problems we will actually send a digital device home with you. The device monitors you while you sleep, recording any apneic episodes. The doctor can then analyze the results to assess the presence and severity of your sleep disorder. We can then decide the most appropriate treatment option.

Question: How do you recognize the warning signs?

Answer: There are a number of different possible warning signs to be aware of. You should take notice of chronic snoring, daytime exhaustion, moodiness, or episodes of waking up choking or gasping for air. If you recognize one or more of these potential warning signs, then please contact your dentist for a diagnosis to discuss possible treatment options.

Question: What happens if sleep apnea isn't treated?

Answer: Without treatment sleep apnea may lead to higher blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Question: How does a sleep appliance work?

Answer: A sleep appliance is a devices similar to a nightguard that is worn during sleep. The device helps move the jaw forward to keep airways open and allow uninterrupted breathing. This can be a comfortable and convenient alternative to CPAP machines and other sleep apnea treatment options. If you have any questions about treating sleep disorders, then please contact our office today.

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