How Does Dental Sedation Work?

Do you feel scared of the dentist? Unfortunately, studies show that over eight percent of the population feels some form of dental anxiety. However, by avoiding the dentist due to fear you put your smile at a greater risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious oral health concerns. In order to help our anxious patients, we offer a solution with dental sedation. How does dental sedation work?

Try Our Dental Sedation Quiz

  1. True or False: Nitrous oxide wears off quickly.
  2. True or False: Oral sedation provide a deeper level of relaxation.
  3. True or False: We can provide local anesthesia.
  4. True or False: We take your medical history into account before recommending a calming solution.

Answer Key

  1. True. We administer nitrous oxide via a mask over the nose. The gas helps patients enter a calm state and the effects wear off almost as soon as the procedure ends. You can then drive yourself home and even return to work or school.
  2. True. The patient will take a pill prior to the procedure. We suggest avoiding food in the six to eight hours before the procedure. This option provides a deeper form of relaxation. However, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you home afterward. We will send any necessary aftercare information with your friend or family member.
  3. True. Unlike sedation, this option is administered via injection and targets the area around where the dentist works to minimize any discomfort. We may also offer a calming agent, such as nitrous, along with it.
  4. True. We will examine you and look at your medical history before we recommend a calming solution. If you have any questions about sedation dentistry or local anesthesia, then please contact our office today.

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