Are You Suffering From Sleep Apnea? Take Our Quiz To Find Out!

It can be difficult to know if you are suffering from sleep apnea because the apneic events happen in your sleep. Usually it is a sleep partner that brings the issue to your attention. Left untreated sleep apnea can be dangerous to your health. Take our quiz below to find out if you are suffering from sleep apnea.

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Yes or No: Does your sleep partner complain of your loud, excessive snoring?

Yes or No: Does your sleep partner complain that you gasp and choke in your sleep?

Yes or No: Do you experience excessive daytime drowsiness?

Yes or No: Do you experience headaches and mood swings?


Yes: Although probably about 90 million Americans snore sometimes, or at least at some point in their lives, chronic snoring that is loud and disruptive is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea.

Yes: Sleep apnea is characterized by sudden awakenings that are often accompanied by choking or gasping sounds. The explanation for this lies in the fact that sleep apnea is caused by the relaxation of fatty oral tissues that block your breathing airway while sleeping. These blockages prevent breathing and can last for up to 20 seconds at a time. Finally, your brain will trigger you to wake and breathe again which can cause the gasping and choking.

Yes: It is not uncommon to experience some drowsiness at certain points throughout the day. However, sleep apnea sufferers experience EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness) which is accompanied by a chronic and overwhelming feeling of fatigue.

Yes: Headaches are one of the most common daytime symptoms due to the lack of oxygen to the brain at night. Irritability, a short temper, anxiety, and depression can also be symptoms of sleep apnea.

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