Are You Interested In Teeth? Take Our Quiz!

Are you interested in teeth? Other than your own, that is. Teeth can tell you a lot of things. If teeth interest you, for whatever reason, take our fun quiz to find out how much you know about what your teeth can tell you about you!

Multiple Choice Quiz

A. Just by looking at your teeth a trained forensic dentist can tell:

  1. How old you are
  2. Your ancestry
  3. Your gender
  4. All of the above

B. The condition of your teeth can indicate:

  1. Your weight
  2. Your height
  3. Your mental health
  4. None of the above

C. Signs of dental complications due to eating disorders include:

  1. A change in the appearance of the person's teeth
  2. Erosion of the tooth surfaces
  3. Tooth loss
  4. Both 1 and 2

D. The condition of a person's teeth can also indicate personality traits such as:

  1. Anger
  2. Aggression
  3. Anxiety
  4. All of the above



A. 4: All of the above: Not only can a trained forensic dentist tell your gender, age, and ancestry by looking at your teeth, they can also tell if you might have played an instrument (mostly likely a wind instrument), whether or not you smoke, and your diet.

B. 3: Your mental health: Eating disorders are a mental health condition that can be hinted at by the state of your teeth. For instance, 83 percent of bulimic patients present with tooth erosion due to habitual vomiting. Anorexia affects tooth health because of vitamin deficiencies.

C. 4: Both 1 and 2: The dentition of people who suffer from eating disorders often shows a change in the appearance of their teeth, and show erosive lesions on their teeth.

D. 4. All of the above: Research has shown that people who chronically grind and clench their teeth, which noticeably wears teeth, may be anxious, stressed, aggressive, or angry.

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