Youthen Your Smile

Can you youthen your smile without touching your teeth? Sure, you can. Or you can combine dental treatments such as whitening, with a non-dental treatment such as Botox®. Your smile actually encompasses more than just your teeth and gums. Your lips, cheeks, chin, and other facial features affect the esthetics of your smile, as well. Botox® is a fast, easy, and popular cosmetic treatment that helps add volume to your lips, erase facial wrinkles, and can also be used as a treatment for jaw discomfort related to TMJ disorder. Youthen your smile with Botox®.

How it Works

Botox® is a drug made from a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin. It is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. How it works is that it blocks signals from your nerves to your muscles. When the nerve signals are blocked, the muscle that has been injected with the botulin is, basically, temporarily paralyzed meaning it can no longer contract.

This causes your skin to relax and soften, eliminating the wrinkles such as crow’s feet around your eyes, forehead lines, and the frown lines around your mouth and chin.  Botox® is also used medically to treat certain muscular conditions.

Non-Invasive Treatments

There are several non-invasive dental treatments that can help youthen your smile including bonding, contouring, and whitening. If you are looking for quick, easy non-invasive treatments, particularly for the holiday season, but want a younger-looking smile, you can combine a treatment such as whitening, or bonding and contouring, with Botox® treatments for a quick, easy, and esthetically pleasing smile.

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